Coaching shouldn't take a lifetime to sink in.
My workshops are created to be
instantly actionable.
Join a live Virtual
or In-Person event.
Zoom and In-Person Workshops
These workshops are designed around specific topics that my clients commonly get stuck on in their personal growth. This is foundational coaching curriculum delivered in an affordable, action-packed dose. You won’t just experience your own growth — you’ll witness it for everyone else in the room.
How does a fresh year look through the lens of Freedom? What are the habits, patterns, coping skills or beliefs that are bankrupt? What am I beginning? These are the questions we’ll explore in this 1-hour intensive where you’ll get a peek into my coaching background and my curriculum, the Freedom work. Come ready to play, ask questions and take a good look at yourself!
Join me for 6 weeks of conversations and practices for polishing the mirror and changing your relationship with you (and ultimately the rest of your life). Each week we’ll meet to explore mindfulness practices for clearing the decks and anchoring into the present moment, paired with coaching exercises designed to shift not just what you think, but how.
Whether you’re looking to sharpen your wise mind, strengthen your brave heart, deepen your intuition, change your patterns or simply make space for your feelings, you deserve the gift of time to practice. Come, sit with yourself. We don’t have to do it alone!
Recordings will be available for independent study for those who cannot attend every meeting live.
My monthly office hours include a brief talk, some community practice and light coaching. Each gathering addresses a specific theme common to our human curriculum and includes contemplative practices and coaching exercises to sharpen the mind, polish the mirror, and deepen our self-inquiry. We’ll finish with Q&A.
This is ideal for folks who are curious about my coaching style, folks who prefer guided self-inquiry to solo exploration, those in my community who simply like learning with me.
We meet the *last Wednesday of every month at 12 PM PST.
*November and December’s office hours will be held one week earlier, before the holidays.
This 6-week training is for anyone who coaches, whether you claim the title professionally or simply need to employ great coaching in your work. Through fast-paced dialogue and unique exercises this series of seminars is designed to sharpen and update your coaching skillset, refresh your vision for your practice and transform your relationship to your noise that keeps you from your authentic voice.
You’ll be introduced to the foundational coaching concepts and exercises I use with my own clients in addition to the fundamentals of group coaching dynamics, with the added benefit of community reflection for rapid development. Whether you’re wanting more clinical foundation to your coaching, guidance and feedback around your cases, or practices that support your own professional development, this workshop is an opportunity to deepen your commitment to your craft.
Recorded Workshops
These workshop recordings provide foundational coaching curriculum around topics that are holding you back in your growth. Any recordings purchased will be accessible to you in your library and yours for life to learn from at different phases in your life. Purchase a recorded workshop and evolve at your own pace.
How to Break a Habit
How to Sit With Your Feelings
The Leap
A New Year’s Workshop on decision-making, working with fear and crafting an intentional life
In this workshop we’ll break down the habits of thought that keep you paralyzed in indecision and self-doubt. Through playful self-inquiry and irreverent coaching exercises you’ll learn how to consciously navigate your fear and uncertainty, and deconstruct the thought patterns that keep you from making your leap in 2024. We’ll also explore the role of courage in making commitments and building lives that are fully-expressed, nourishing and intentional.
Foundations of Embodiment
You deserve to feel at home in your body! This workshop will introduce conversations designed to transform your relationship with your body and the food you choose to feed it.
As a human who is 15 years in recovery from an eating disorder AND a former therapist who specialized in eating disorder recovery, this is a return to a critical coaching curriculum aimed at welcoming freedom into the experience of our bodies.
Creating fresh intentions, priorities, and strategy
We can’t squeeze new commitments into old paradigms. It can feel daunting to start something new if we don’t first assess what is no longer working, what is bankrupt and what we need to let go of. We’ll explore how to transition from resistance to acceptance, and how to make room for the emotional intensity that often accompanies transition and transformation. This workshop is for you if you’d like to:- ACTUALLY have a fresh perspective, not just crave it.
- Take an honest look at what is and isn’t working in your life.
- Start operating from a place of freedom instead of fear.
A Step by Step Process to Creating the Healthiest Version of Your Relationship
A healthy relationship requires more than good chemistry and communication! Thriving partnerships are the result of skillful open-heartedness, intelligent conflict resolution and a shared creative perspective.
In this workshop we’ll learn how to take inventory of our relationships to have the healthiest version of our partnership.
A workshop for entrepreneurs and artists navigating their online presence
In this workshop, we dive into the conversation, how do we be ourselves on social media?
Co-led by Vira, my social media strategist, we share our unique perspective on how to express ourselves, present our bodies of work and authentically enroll our communities into our offerings online.
Create the relationship you WANT, not the relationship you think you SHOULD have
In this workshop, I dismantle the relationship mythology in our culture that reinforces unrealistic expectations of ourselves and our partners!
We look at how to break free from the societal constructs of what your relationship SHOULD look like so you can start living within the relationship you actually WANT.
There’s plenty to be angry about, the state of the world, feeling ill-treated, our past, the list goes on. But we deserve to develop a healthy relationship with anger, and that requires more than just repression or reaction.
In this workshop, we discuss how to work with anger as an extension of our intuition. We’ll learn how to use anger as a portal to self-worth, profound healing and compassion.
Committing yourself to courage
What would your life look like if you didn’t take direction from your fear?
Whether we’re afraid of losing a relationship, an opportunity, or an identity, fear shows us what we’re afraid to lose!
In this workshop, we’ll face our fears together. We’ll work through exercises to help us shift our relationship with fear, so we can take risks, and create lives that we’re eager to live!
Join my community committed to changing our relationship to our triggers!
We deserve to be at peace with our relationship to craving and substances. In this workshop, we will learn to recognize triggers, create stronger connections to our intuition and create freedom around what we consume.
This workshop was designed around experiencing triggers around holidays, but can be applied to our triggers in everyday life.
Self-creating change that lasts
In this workshop we unpack strategies and exercises for making lasting behavioral change!
We have the opportunity to reflect and renew areas in our lives that feel stuck, but how often do we do a full overhaul of the lens we’re looking through? This workshop explores the intentions that motivate lasting change, the role of self-acceptance in personal development work, and the foundational conversations for creative disruption.
FAQ’s About the workshops
Yes, all Live events are held virtually on zoom. Recordings are also available to all participants afterwards and available for purchase on the site.
The format of most workshops includes time for questions, and often questions organically lead to personal coaching, so buckle up! I sometimes have to limit my individual coaching in workshops due to time restrictions and number of participants, but generally if you’re asking a question, I can’t help but offer an answer!
There’s no obligation to share, plenty of folks attend workshops and simply listen, take notes and nod along. That said, the more you participate the more you get out of the experience. I do encourage everyone to keep their cameras on for the sake of community, but it is not a requirement.
Fear not! If you signed up for a workshop that you won’t be able to attend live, you’ll receive a recording of the replay the next day that you can access on my website. I also encourage folks who are watching the replay to email me if they have lingering questions.
You’ll receive a link in your email to the live event, and you’ll be able to access the recording replay through the portal on my website.
You can purchase a seat to my upcoming workshops or purchase the replay of past workshops through the portal on my website.
The beauty of workshop formats is that they’re designed around theme specific curriculum that often come up in my coaching practice. These workshops are also affordable, so if a title or description resonates with you, it’s a wonderful opportunity to join and get a dose of what coaching is like.
If you enjoyed the workshop format but just feel like it’s not going deep enough, you may be ready for group coaching in the Living Room Sessions. Group coaching is the most value-packed way to fast-track your change in a community environment. Click here to learn more about group coaching and view sign up information for the next session. And keep an eye out for upcoming in-person offerings.